Thursday, April 25, 2013

Frame to Dye Kimono

So I have, for about a year, been sitting on some bemberg rayon twill and dye from needing to get the stuff together to make a frame to dye said rayon before sewing it into a kimono. Another reason I have been holding off is that my sewing machine has been behaving very badly and making loops on the underside of my fabric even with my tension so high it breaks my thread.  Well, in February, my machine gave up the ghost and I just got both a new machine and the materials to make the frame to suspend the fabric panels so I can paint/dye them.
I was planning on buying am adjustable frame from Dharma Trading but their supplier was having manufacturing issues so I started researching how to make one. I went through several sites and forums before finding one that met my needs:
I did some calculations and was originally planning on making four frames to accommodate the four different panels that I would be making before my husband pointed out that I would be able to use the largest one for the smaller panels if I used more elastic so I am now making one frame that is 12' x 2'.
Next I was worried about how I was going to get two 12' pieces of wood into my 2007 Prius, but my friend for whom I am making this kimono (who has the patience of a saint and paid me for it right before I bought the fabric) suggested making it 6' and from that idea I decided to put hinges on it so my total area is still 12 x 2, but it will fold to 6 x 2 for transport, which is still unwieldy but not nearly as bad.
I have one half of the frame put together, screw eyes and all, and will hopefully get the other side together tonight and be ready to paint on it by the weekend.
I'm really excited!

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